Team Collaboration Software Setup

Team Collaboration Software Setup

Asana is a team collaboration platform that can be used for remote team members to communicate about specific tasks, follow the progress, check off items from a to-do list, assign other group members tasks, and so much more. The idea, in team collaboration mode, is to cut down on emails and make everything easily searchable, and conversations trackable back to projects. In this particular case study, I used Asana in a different way, for my own organization.

Payroll Audit & Reorganization

Payroll Audit & Reorganization

After years of following the same system for paying instructors, a Pilates studio owner wanted to make a change. After years of following the same system for paying instructors, she wanted to make a fair change that would offer the instructors stable pay while allowing the business to continue to flourish. But the task was daunting, because the pay structure (as it was) was not straightforward. It was based on paying flat fees for services provided, a certain amount for hourly work, that sometimes involved things other than Pliates, upcharges, discounts .. you name it. There was no clear way to objectively look at what teachers were earning and compare it to any proposed new system.